2025 Presentations
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
10th BPI WEEK 2025 (生物医药创新周)
Feb 19-20, 2025 – Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiaoran Han
Business Panel: "Effectively & Efficiently Structuring Deal Processes as an Early-Stage Company in TPD"
TPD & Induced Proximity Pharma Partnering Summit
May 19, 2025 - Boston, MA
Business Panel: "Effectively & Efficiently Structuring Deal Processes as an Early-Stage Company in TPD"
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
TPD & Induced Proximity Pharma Partnering Summit
May 19-20, 2025 - Boston, MA
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Panel Discussion: "Where do DACs Fit in? Discussing the Decision to Think about Degraders as Payloads"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Degradation of TRK for Cancer Therapy and Pain Management"
3rd Targeted Protein Degradation Conference
July 29-31, 2025 - Japan
Presentation: "Targeted Degradation of TRK for Cancer Therapy and Pain Management"
Cullgen Speakers: Dr. Ying Luo and Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: "TRK Degraders for Cancer Therapy and Pain Management"
2nd Targeted Protein Degradation Forum
August 26-27, 2025 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "TRK Degraders for Cancer Therapy and Pain Management"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
7th SIT Forum (小分子药物创新峰会)
Sep 18-19, 2025 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiaoran Han
2024 Presentations
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Oppenheimer 34th Annual Healthcare Life Sciences Conference
February 13-14, 2024 – Virtual
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Life Sciences 2023 Deals of Distinction Award Winner Presentation
March 7, 2024 – Virtual
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
6th SIT Forum (小分子药物创新与合作大会)
March 21-22, 2024 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiaoran Han
Conference Organizer: Dr. Yue Xiong
FASEB SRCs: Ubiquitin and Ub-like Proteins
June 9-13, 2024 – Niagara Falls, NY
Conference Organizer: Dr. Yue Xiong
Scientific Session: “Therapeutic targeting and tools involving UB/UBL biology part 1”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jian Jin
Presentation: "The Challenge of Overcoming Resistance to Anti-PD(L1)-1 Checkpoint Inhibitors"
Immuno-Oncology Xchange
September 24, 2024 – San Francisco, CA
Presentation: "The Challenge of Overcoming Resistance to Anti-PD(L1)-1 Checkpoint Inhibitors"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Nanu Das
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2024
September 25-26, 2024 – Basel, Switzerland
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Targeted Protein Degradation Forum 2024
October 22-23 – Shanghai, China
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
7th Annual TPD & Induced Proximity Summit
October 28-31, 2024 – Boston, MA
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiaoran Han
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
SMART Symposium on Targeted Protein Degradation: From Basic Science to Therapeutic Application
Nov 12-14, 2024 – Shenzhen, China
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
2023 Presentations
Presentation: “Innovation in Targeted Protein Degradation”
SIT 2023, Summit of Small-molecule Drug Innovation and Collaboration
March 2-3, 2023 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: “Innovation in Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
4th Annual Protein Degradation & Targeting Undruggables
March 15-16, 2023 - Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu
Presentation: “Innovation in Targeted Protein Degradation”
IDC 2023 - Summit of Novel and Improved Chemical Drugs
March 23-24, 2022 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: “Innovation in Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
18th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry
April 10-12, 2023 – San Diego, CA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
3rd Ligase Targeting Drug Development Summit
April 11-13, 2023 – Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Oxford Global Discovery Euro 2023
June 6-7, 2023 - Berlin, Germany
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
2nd Targeted Protein Degradation Conference in Japan
July 26-27, 2023 - Kanagawa, Japan
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Panel Discussion: “Advances in Immuno-Oncology”
SACHS 23rd Annual Biotech in Europe Forum
September 20-21, 2023 - Basel, Switzerland
Panel Discussion: “Advances in Immuno-Oncology”
Cullgen Speaker: Seth Goldblum
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
21st Annual Discovery on Target
September 26-28, 2023 - Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
6th Annual TPD Summit
October 20-Nov 3, 2023 – Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: “Targeted Protein Degradation: From Basic Research to Therapeutic Application”
中國醫藥大學 / China Medical University
October 27, 2023 – Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Presentation: “Targeted Protein Degradation: From Basic Research to Therapeutic Application”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
2022 Presentations
Presentation: "Innovation for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Undruggable Leaders Forum
November 17-18, 2022 - Suzhou, China
Presentation: "Innovation for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: “Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow’s Medicines”
Stifel Healthcare Conference 2022
November 15-16, 2022 - New York, NY
Presentation: “Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow’s Medicines”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
5th Annual Targeted Protein Degradation Summit
Oct. 25-28, 2022 - Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
20th Annual Discovery on Target Conference
October 20, 2022 - Boston, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Development of Novel Targeted Protein Degraders"
5th Conference of Small-molecule Drug Development and Collaboration
October 13-14, 2022 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Development of Novel Targeted Protein Degraders"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: “Targeted Protein Degradation for Cancer Therapy”
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
October 12, 2022 - Chapel Hill, NC
Presentation: “Targeted Protein Degradation for Cancer Therapy”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
4th Annual Protein Degradation and Targeting Undruggables Congress Europe
October 11-12, 2022 - Basel, Switzerland
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
ACS Fall Meeting Symposium: Advances in Targeted Protein Degradation
August 21-25, 2022 - Chicago, IL
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
The Ubiquitin and Ub-like Proteins Conference (FASEB): Cell Functions and Therapeutic Targeting
July 24-28, 2022 - Southbridge, MA
Presentation: “Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation”
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
4th SIT Forum (SIT小分子药物创新与合作论坛)
July 20-21, 2022 - ZheJiang, China
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery" (基于蛋白靶向降解技术的新药开发)
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiao-Ran Han
Presentation: "Breast Cancer Cell Cycle and Targeted Protein Degradation"
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society
June 30 - July 2, 2022 - Yokohama, Japan
Presentation: "Breast Cancer Cell Cycle and Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow's Medicines"
UBS Global Healthcare Conference
May 25, 2022 - New York, NY
Presentation: "Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow's Medicines"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
2nd Annual Ligase Targeting Drug Development
April 26-28, 2022 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation by the Cullin-RING E3 Ligases"
17th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry (DDC)
April 21, 2022 - San Diego, CA
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation by the Cullin-RING E3 Ligases"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow’s Medicine"
21st Annual Needham Virtual Healthcare Conference
April 11–14, 2022 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Powering Protein Degradation for Tomorrow’s Medicine"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Poster presentation: "Small Molecule-Mediated Degradation of p300 and CBP for the Treatment of Cancer"
ACS Spring Meeting
March 10–14, 2022 - San Diego, CA
Poster presentation: "Small Molecule-Mediated Degradation of p300 and CBP for the Treatment of Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Challenges and Opportunities in Targeted Protein Degradation"
3rd Bio-Pharma Future Leaders Summit
January 11-12, 2022 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Challenges and Opportunities in Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
2021 Presentations
Degrader Day Fireside Chat: "Platform Technologies: Glues vs. BiDACS, Cereblon vs. Tissue Specific Ligases"
UBS Platform Technologies Seminar
November 1, 2021 - Virtual event
Degrader Day Fireside Chat: "Platform Technologies: Glues vs. BiDACS, Cereblon vs. Tissue Specific Ligases"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
4th Annual TPD, Targeting Protein Degradation: Expanding the Therapeutic Boundaries of Protein Degradation
October 26-29, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
October 12, 2021 - Virtual event
Bioduro-Sandia Webinar Series on Advances in Drug Discovery & Development
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery"
October 12, 2021 - Virtual event
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation by the Cullin-RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligases (CRLs)"
19th Annual Discovery on Target Conference
September 27-30, 2021: Virtual event
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation by the Cullin-RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligases (CRLs)"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "The Biology, Assembly and Catalytic Mechanism of CRL E3 Ligases"
22nd Annual Virtual Drug Discovery Summit
July 1-2, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "The Biology, Assembly and Catalytic Mechanism of CRL E3 Ligases"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Workshop: "E3 Ubiquitin Ligases and Targeted Protein Degradation"
Discovery Week - ONLINE
June 1-4, 2021 - Virtual event
Workshop: "E3 Ubiquitin Ligases and Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "CRL E3 Ligases: From Catalytic Mechanisms, Assembly to Targeted Protein Degradation"
Ligase Targeting Drug Development
May 25-27, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "CRL E3 Ligases: From Catalytic Mechanisms, Assembly to Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Panel Discussion: "Exploring the Therapeutic Value of Targeting E3 Ubiquitin Ligases"
Ligase Targeting Drug Development
May 25-27, 2021 - Virtual event
Panel Discussion: "Exploring the Therapeutic Value of Targeting E3 Ubiquitin Ligases"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Xiaoran Han
Presentation "uSMITE Protein Degradation Platform and First-in-Class Anti-cancer Drug Discovery"
DIA China
May 22, 2021 - Suzhou, China
Presentation "uSMITE Protein Degradation Platform and First-in-Class Anti-cancer Drug Discovery"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Ying Luo
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery"
SAPA Scientific Symposium
May 22, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Drug Discovery"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
DDC: Ubiquitin-induced Targeted Protein Degradation
May 18-19, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Targeted Protein Degradation & PROTAC Virtual Symposium
February 16-17, 2021 - Virtual event
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
January 19, 2021 - Tianjin University
Academic Lecture
Presentation: “Targeted protein degradation for drug discovery”
January 19, 2021 - Tianjin University
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
2020 Presentations
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation - A New Chapter in the Development of Small Molecule Drugs"
3rd China Bio Pharm Partnering Forum 2020
December 3-4, 2020 - Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation - A New Chapter in the Development of Small Molecule Drugs"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
5th Medicinal Chemistry and Protein Degradation Summit
November 16-17, 2020 - Virtual event
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Panel Discussion: Targeted protein degradation, drugging the undruggable: opportunities and challenges"
5th Medicinal Chemistry and Protein Degradation Summit
November 16-17, 2020 - Virtual event
Panel Discussion: Targeted protein degradation, drugging the undruggable: opportunities and challenges"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for the Treatment of TRK Fusion-Driven Cancers"
3rd Targeted Protein Degradation Summit
October 13-15, 2020 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for the Treatment of TRK Fusion-Driven Cancers"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
18th Annual Discovery on Target
September 16-18, 2020 - Virtual event
Presentation: "TRKing Down an Old Oncogene in a New Era of Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu
Presentation: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
15th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry (DDC)
August 24-28, 2020 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
21st Annual Virtual Drug Discovery Summit
July 29-30, 2020 - Virtual event
Presentation: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Poster: "Targeted Protein Degradation for the Treatment of TRK Fusion-Driven Cancers"
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting
April 24-29, 2020 and May 22-24, 2020 - Virtual event
Poster: "Targeted Protein Degradation for the Treatment of TRK Fusion-Driven Cancers"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jialiang Wang
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Discovery and Therapeutic Application"
PROTACs and Beyond
March 8-9, 2020 - London, England
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Discovery and Therapeutic Application"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Poster: "Discovery of Selective Small Molecule Degraders of BRAF-V600E"
North American Protein Degradation Conference
February 4-5, 2020 - San Diego, CA
Poster: "Discovery of Selective Small Molecule Degraders of BRAF-V600E"
Cullgen Presenter: Dr. Michael Plewe
Panel Discussion: Targeted Protein Degradation
4th Annual Frontiers in Therapeutics and Diagnostics (FTD) Forum
January 18, 2020 - San Diego, CA
Panel Discussion: Targeted Protein Degradation
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
2019 Presentations
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
4th Medicinal Chemistry and Protein Degradation Summit
October 27-28, 2019 - London, England
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
2nd Annual TPD Targeted Protein Degradation
October 22-24, 2019
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
17th Annual Discovery on Target
September 16-19, 2019 - Boston, MA
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
17th Annual Discovery on Target
September 16-19, 2019 - Boston, MA
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Poster: "Small molecule-mediated degradation of BRAF-V600E for the treatment of melanoma"
Fall 2019 ACS National Meeting
August 25-29, 2019 - San Diego, CA
Poster: "Small molecule-mediated degradation of BRAF-V600E for the treatment of melanoma"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Targeted Protein Degradation Forum
August 22-23, 2019 - Yokohama, Japan
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-Mediated Small Molecule Induced Target Elimination (uSMITE) for Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation Title: "Targeted Protein Degradation"
BIO International Convention
June 3-6, 2019 - Philadelphia, PA
Presentation Title: "Targeted Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Mr. Seth Goldblum
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-dependent, small molecule-induced target elimination"
Symposium on Frontier in PROTAC Drug Discovery and Development
May 16, 2019 - Shanghai, China
Presentation Title: "Ubiquitin-dependent, small molecule-induced target elimination"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
14th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry
April 9-12, 2019 - San Diego, CA
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Lessons from Ubiquitin-mediated Protein Degradation"
14th Annual Drug Discovery Chemistry
April 9-12, 2019 - San Diego, CA
Presentation: "Lessons from Ubiquitin-mediated Protein Degradation"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Yue Xiong
2018 Presentations
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
Targeted Protein Degradation Summit
October 24-25, 2018 - Boston, MA
Presentation: "Targeted Protein Degradation for Treatment of Cancer"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Michael Plewe
Presentation: "Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK)"
The 17th Science Café at Shanghai Center for Drug Discovery & Development at Fudan University
April 27, 2018 - Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Presentation: "Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK)"
Cullgen Speaker: Dr. Jing Liu